9 discussion posts
Hi me again,
When reading the logs, I'm using the mouse wheel. Sometimes, I'm not sure the log is showing its tail so I wheel a little down but this disable the autoscroll button, even if I'm at the current tail. Should it be possible to automatically (re)enable the auto-scroll button when the tail is reached?
By the way another option would be to systematically show the tail when switching from one log to another. In this mode, the auto-scroll button is not log-individual but global to all logs.
And finally, I'd like a shortcut to quickly get at the log's tail.
9 discussion posts
Actually, Ctrl-End move you to the tail, but the auto-scroll button remains disabled.
9 discussion posts
That's it: I'd like the auto-scroll button be global for all logs.
Thank for your quick replies.
No problem, thanks for the clarification! I'll add this request to our list.