Florian Probst
2 discussion posts
I'm using logfusion 4.2 to analyse my SysLog files.
The logfiles are located on my NAS but it seems that logfusion does not auto-scroll / reload reliable.
Sometimes it does but most of the time I need to close and reopen logfusion itself to get an updated log. Even my Ultraedit does realize changes much faster...
Anything I can do?
Thanks in advance
What brand of NAS is it? And are you loading the files via their UNC path (\\nas\share\file.txt), or do you have it mapped as a drive letter?
Florian Probst
2 discussion posts
it's a QNAP TS-x70 Pro. Its a mapped drive letter to \\myqnap\myshare\syslogfile.log
31 discussion posts
You might want to look at the activity using Process Monitor by Sysinternals. Filtering by path containing your logfile name should be enough. Without knowing your specific situation, I know that some network drives do not report disk activity (change notification) to a computer that remotely mounts/accesses the drive. This is unlike the C: drive that does this. I don't know if it is a filesystem type issue or specific to network drives, but I've run into this before.
Your logfusion should update if you press F5 (refresh) in Windows Explorer. This manually tells logfusion there's been an update to the file.
@Sun: Thanks for the explanation! I believe you're right. We've run into this with network shares that are running via Samba on Linux boxes as well. I suspect that the QNAP is using Samba, which would explain this issue.
The solution may be for us to do a manual refresh of the log every so often. I'll put this on our list for further investigation.